Saturday 25 August 2012

sun in our teeth and in our hair

Went out with Gwen today~ Was supposed to be out with Ching Yi but she had to be with her ceramics class at Tampines :( so I met up with Gwen at 2 instead :) We went to the flea at Scape! It wasn't that good this time round :( the portion at the basement was closed so there weren't many stalls :( and I think the pieces were a little too overpriced and not that the quality wasn't really good either. So Gwen and I went to the one at the flyer instead~ where the prices were significantly lowered :) 

I bought about 5 items today! Two skirts, one button-down top, one crochet top (that can be worn as a dress for me cause I'm so small) and a silver statement collar necklace :) really good buys, will show them here soon when they're out of the wash! :) 

Really happy I got to bust out the skirt I bought from Char :) It's so light and airy it kept blowing everywhere since it was so windy :O

Gwen is so pretty x.x

After walking around so much we got tired so we walked over to Marina Square to have a snack! :P which consisted of large fries, juice and tea :)

I met Ching Yi when I headed back to Orchard and parted ways with Gwen. Only met her for a short time though :( had macs again!

I have such pretty friends la... 

White Basic Topshop Dress worn as a top
Mod Parade Sea Foam Skirt
Forever 21 Sandals
Pink Longchamp, Mom's
Hairband is gifted to me from Selma :)
 Really really awkward OOTD picture! HAHA


Had dinner afterwards with my family at La Luna :) the food was amazeballs as usual and I had a couple of drinks with my family as usual :) celebrated my dad's birthday again :) Good food and amazing company. Really lovely way to end the day :) <3


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