Friday 24 August 2012


Sent Emma off at the airport today :'( I was sick the whole of yesterday and today battling a low grade fever and muscle aches everywhere. I was going to be so crushed if I wasn't well enough to see her off today :( was literally panicking when I woke up after my nap and still felt feverish. But God is great and I got well enough to see her off! :)

Met Gwen and Ethan at T3 for dinner :) Kai Sing was late again... So we had Pastamania and were just talking and catching up :) Waited around at the airplane viewing gallery to lepak and talk and for everyone else to show up. Gwen and I pounced on Emma when she came out to meet us. I swear we were making such a ruckus in the middle of Terminal 3! :P

 I stole Em's carry on~ HAHA

 My nose was running the entire time...

Sing and I~ <3

I notice all of Emma's eyes are closed in the photos.... LOLLL

Cried the most water works ever. First to cry and was still crying even when everyone else stopped... I really hate goodbyes in any form. And even though I'm still going to see Emma at the end of the year when I go to NYC, I'm still going to/ still am missing her :/ My parents were saying on the way back that there's always skype, facebook and messaging but its kinda different right? :( the internet pales in comparison to actually being next to someone and sharing a meal with them...

Thank you Emma for being such a wonderful friend to me for the past 4 years. 
Thank you so much for all the food adventures, the meals, the conversations over coffee, being my desk buddy for a good half year, dealing with hyperactive kid tendencies, being there for me when I need you and all the wonderful things that I can't really put into words. 

One letter to you that you can read in 10 minutes really cannot summarize how thankful I am for you and how much I'm gonna miss you :( 

But I know that you'll do great in the States, and I'll always be supporting you here :) <3
So farewell till we meet again! 

Now Playing-Toy Story's 'You Got a Friend In Me' (this song is super apt for me right now)

So long partner~ 

1 comment:

  1. :')

    Emma is lucky to have a friend like you.
    You guys will meet again ^^
    Cheer up!

