Sunday 19 August 2012

Leather and Chiffon

Hey everyone! :D I just got back from helping my friends Ai Ling and Rachel with their Fashion IA photoshoot :) I was orignally supposed to lend them my camera and help them with the applying make up on their model. Unfortunately, their model bailed last minute so Ai Ling suggested I model for them :| to be honest I was pretty apprehensive and incredibly shy... Because these photos were going to be seen by their Fashion IA class :/ but I agreed in the end :P So here are some photos of me modeling their garment for you guys! hahaha. (P.S I'm not claiming to be some professional model/ these images are credited to me and Ai Ling's IA group)

Both Rachel and Ai Ling's favourite photo :D
Both the white Tank top and the shoes are mine, from Zara and Steve Madden respectively. Everything else I'm wearing is made by their group :) The theme behind their project is 'Femininity and Masculinity' and their group was trying to capture both feminine and masculine elements in their outfit. Thus the body piece made out of belts and the skirt is meant to be sheer and flowy, but since I'm so short it draped a little funny on me :/ so I helped to improvise and gathered the ends of the skirt up to emphasize the folds :P it helped to shorten the skirt and not make me look too stumpy too ^^b

I know I'm not super fantastic and really amazing at modelling and I did show some of these photos to Andrew who commented I look more like a turtle than a model :/ oh well... But I guess this is a rare opportunity and I'm always glad to help friends with their works ^^v

Other than that, not much studying done today because I woke up late :( and I was out all day getting photographed. I'm going to spend the night reading through my work and then sleeping early so i can study the entire day tomorrow! :D

Oh! and I'm currently stuck on the duo Best Coast :D they're songs are awesome! go check them out if you can :) 


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