Saturday 13 October 2012

Vanilla Sky

Blogging from the dining room and sipping some hot green tea because dad finally fixed up the wi-fi down here and I don't have to be such a recluse in my room anymore :)

Exam week pixels:

Comfort food my dad, le brother and I indulged in and my ootd :)

Thinking of using Macrame and knot making for IB next year

Dinner and ootd

Studied with Ching Yi and Clancy :D

Lunch I had with my momma :)

Saybons for lunch and the angry cat I always encounter on my way to tuition

Harry Potter Exhibition and shopping with Selma after the Math paper

I love this sweater from topshop :D

Studying with the girls~ super productive as always :)

Shopping with Ching Yi after studying, really liked the top I was wearing but its way to big for me... :(

the moon during the mid-autumn festival and nat after the bio paper haha

Laksa and studying Chem with Gwen :)

 Christmas looking pants mom bought from China and seashells she picked from the beach, the conch was bought by one of her students and then given to me as a present o_o plus my new pencil and eraser that have made writing and note making so much better over the exam period.

Things are winding down now that exams are over. Spent the past week being a vegetable and waking up at 2 pm as well as heading out to class parties and spending time with lots of people I really missed hanging out with. I got back into reading again which is good, slowly getting back into doing art and figuring out what I want to do with my IB art years, which is also good. Started reading IB textbooks and doing math again which is good if you think jumping ahead is what's going to 'give me the edge' next year like my parents do then ok. Started to get back into writing, not really sure how I feel about that, other than the fact that I want to change sketchbook/journal and go back to my thick papered moleskines. Brown paper is really lovely though... Decisions decisions decisions. 

Might take a nap because I woke up super early today to do some math but its going to be dinner time soon and I wonder where my family wants to go tonight. I hope its somewhere near an art shop or a bookstore :)

I'll probably update more frequently now :) school's pretty much over and the holidays are up! 

xx Tsui 

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