Saturday 6 October 2012

B2 2012

dedicating a post to you guys because well <3

My day of exams:

Shopping with the girls at H&M and this really beautiful statue that I just had to snap 

Deskbud #2 Mila :)

Zhiyi and I trying on heels at F21 

Selma :)


Kai and Enzo

Shots from the class party that consisted for pizza, chicken wings, dance central, yoga, spinning around till we all got dizzy, taboo, planking and just chilling under lights and listening to the xx

Waving goodbye~

Our 'modeling' photos ft. Rob Pat

My time with B2 has been nothing short of amazing. The only reason why Year 4 didn't suck so much for me this year despite everything was because of this class. Absolutely fun, noisy and rowdy but also the most warm-hearted, willing to share and most helpful class I've ever been in. Best class ever, that I can admit. <3 you guys! 

xx Tsui

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