Sunday 2 September 2012


Hello everyone~ 

My weekend has been good so far <3 

First up I went for dinner with Sammantha or Sammie (who has an amazing voice and her Youtube is here, go check her out! She has an amazing voice and is super talented!) we had Ramen at ION and bummed around for a good bit on orchard road :) Got a bit carried away cracking jokes and spraying perfume at each other in Sephora and went a little nuts in Watsons concerning Lipstick :P  I lost my ezlink card again though, but I got it replaced so its no biggie! :)

Then on Saturday was TONES! Which was really good except for the fact that there weren't many people :( but the music was great<3 schoolbands for the win man! :) The Tea Party, Above the Knees and Sammie were the people from my year that performed! 

I met Russell first outside and sat around with him for a bit before going in to watch the bands :) glad I got to catch up with him 

Diego and his daisy LOL

I got flowers for Phoebe, Diego and Sam<3 Here's Kai and Diego posing with one!

When Sam performed we sat at the front and cheered :) her voice is amazing and haunting, really makes you emotional. And I really loved her set list! <3 Really great songs and she performed them so well! <3

The place was really quite dark so I had to use flash with my compact camera, which made everyone go like dis o_o and O_O hahaha.


Didn't snap any more photos of the other bands like Juice in My Guitar and Weekend Firemen cause my camera was acting up :( I need to get a compact DSLR soon :( mine is way too bulky!

But it did live long enough for me to snap some photos of Ching Yi and I! Shameless OOTD pics coming your way!

Love what Ching Yi wore <3

Zara Basic Blank Tank
Owl Skirt from my flea trip with Gwen<3
F21 Sandals
Feather Earrings made and given to me by Minami<3
I was also wearing a bird ring given to me by Selma and a basic gold ring from H&M

We are so shameless luhhhhhhh HAHA

Afterwards Diego, Heleena, Jake, Kai, Ernest, Timothy, Ryan, Marcel, Elijah and I went to play pool at Pomo :)

I paired up with Diego against Kai and Jake at one table and I wasn't really good :( mainly because I hadn't played in a year? The last time I played was like last year in Beijing and even then I just started so I wasn't that good :| had a good time despite that! :)

Then Russell called me afterwards and asked to send me home cause it was really late. Had quite a nice chat with him on the way back in the cab :) So I got home, washed off my make-up and just went to bed because I had such an eventful day and yeah that was my Saturday! :) 

Today was really good too :) woke up at around 10, bummed around for a bit and went for lunch with Mama Tsui and my Gramma :) 

Kept my outfit pretty simple with a dress my mom got for me in Japan a couple years back and some crochet shorts, that came with, underneath the dress. Really didn't feel like dressing up today so I just pulled on a dress and called it a day :)

Lunch was at Annan and was really good! Vietnamese food is always good when you want to keep it simple :) food spam is on my Instagram! :)  Shopped for a bit with them and bought quite a lot :) 

I got a Shiseido Lipstick in Light Pink and a Jimmy Choo Perfume [love the scent but really don't like the packaging :( ] <3 Mama Tsui really was generous today :)

We also got Snowskin Mooncakes from Bakerzin cause Taka had a Mooncake Convention! :) love the Pink Champagne one the guy selling them was pretty cute too :)

 I also have yet to show you what I got from the Flea Trip I made with Gwen! (Which you can view here)

I got a suede button down with leather accents and pearl buttons from the Molly In Space Stall at the Scape Flea and a crochet top from a stall at the Flyer :)

And I got an Owl Skirt and a Deer coloured suede skirt from the Flyer Flea too :)

I also got this wonderful suede and leather bag from Char's shop :) I love the colour and the size and the shape<3 Thanks Char for selling this to me :) 

I also got quite a few miscellaneous things like this beanie, lunch box and hairpin from Daiso when I went out with Sam :)

And I also picked up a cream blusher, new BB Cream (cause my current one sucks and makes me look way too pale...) and a Revlon Lip butter in Tutti Fruity ( I think I need to check again) from Watsons when I was messing around with Sam :)

Now I'm back again from Dinner with my Mama and the brother :) I swear, the 3 of us are so indecisive when it comes to meals and parking and where to go when my dad isn't around! We spent like 20 minutes coming up with a place to eat! 

Quite a long update to make up for my lack thereof :) hahaha hope you all had a good weekend! I'll be back to studying next week even though its a holiday period :(

Bye everyoneeee<3

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