Some part of me wonders where this is really coming from, I may not have a definite and exact answer, but I know that I am slowly changing and discovering myself again. I'm not going back to the way I was before but I think I'm moving on from that. I'm becoming more of 'myself' in a sense? Like I'm realising the potential within myself and I'm working towards that 'self'.
If you ask me what is at the end of that tunnel or that 'self' that I want to realise. I wouldn't be able to answer you quite frankly. Because I don't have a definite of what I am in a worldly sense. I do know that I am Child of God, with a vocation to Love and this is my dream of which I will act on in enthusiasm and faith
And for that I look towards that my future and for the things that may come my way. I pray that I would have the courage to change what I can, the serenity to accept those that I cannot and the wisdom to know the difference.
May everyone have a blessed week! :)