Monday, 8 July 2013

Musings 1

The extended Youth Day weekend is coming to and end :( I've had such a lovely weekend that it almost seems strange and surreal. I managed to get a lot of work done, while enjoying myself over the weekend which was a big shocker to me. I get very unmotivated and lazy quite often when I get complacent -very bad habit that I need to kick- but I managed to cut down a lot on my procrastination and at least get work done :) for which I am very grateful and strangely perplexed. Because I've not been like this before and its strange.

Some part of me wonders where this is really coming from, I may not have a definite and exact answer, but I know that I am slowly changing and discovering myself again. I'm not going back to the way I was before but I think I'm moving on from that. I'm becoming more of 'myself' in a sense? Like I'm realising the potential within myself and I'm working towards that 'self'.

If you ask me what is at the end of that tunnel or that 'self' that I want to realise. I wouldn't be able to answer you quite frankly. Because I don't have a definite of what I am in a worldly sense. I do know that I am Child of God, with a vocation to Love and this is my dream of which I will act on in enthusiasm and faith

And for that I look towards that my future and for the things that may come my way. I pray that I would have the courage to change what I can, the serenity to accept those that I cannot and the wisdom to know the difference. 

May everyone have a blessed week! :)

Friday, 5 July 2013

Desert Song

First week of Semester 2 is over! Honestly I'm feeling very apprehensive about Term 3 and 4 :( with my pretty decent bordering on bad Semester 1, I guess I'm more determined to make the rest of the year good :) 

I'm very grateful for the one month break and GPS trip. It was a very lovely opportunity to reconnect with myself and provided me with a lot of healing that reaffirmed my identity, faith, hope and love. Normally I would be very drained after a week of school and extremely unmotivated to do work. But surprisingly I was really energetic and awake throughout the week, plus I  got a lot of work done and finished my holiday homework! -late but at least I got it done~- So for that I say praise the Lord! For He is my victory and He is here! 

-Desert Song by Hillsong is my current jam-

After a pretty bad spiritual dry-spell I'm very grateful I've had the opportunity to be reaffirmed in the faith :) this song spoke to me because in many ways I could relate to the prayer in it, and I wish to share this song and its prayer with all of you :) 

I am also very grateful to whoever I've been walking with last month and this week :) I pray for us to continue to journey with one another and for us to never loose faith in Him. I am grateful for the countless blessings he has gifted me, and for each and every one of you that he has gifted me, I say thank you and I love you :) 

Now tiny me has to go hunt for food and prep for Chinese tuition! 

Have a great weekend :) 