Tuesday 11 June 2013


Show me the facts. 

Show me the numbers: list them out in tables and spreadsheets. 

Show me the stats, the symbols, the integers. Number out your affections, calculate them with the theories of Pythagoras and Grauert. That of exponential and logarithm graphs; show me the growth and decay of relationships. 

Show me the probability of attraction and how the odds that were stacked so cleanly and neatly against us, could bring my calculations and all its numerical values and decimals, back to you. 

Let the funny coincidence of a statistical fluke, become the axiom of my greatest theorem yet. The one with you. 

The little embarrassing piece of prose that I was working on for the past few days. I'm getting very into Mathematical metaphors -hey alliteration!- and writing poems and proses have been a lot easier nowadays than doodling. I'm not sure if I like this change...

Lemme know what you think! ^^


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