Monday 5 November 2012


Outtakes from the Faerie Photoshoot I had with Selma, Weiqi, Ethan and Kai Sing :) 

Thank you so much guys for agreeing to trek into a forest and take photos of me and with me. Selma and Kai Sing who were wonderful models and endured me being a dictator, Weiqi who came despite being unwell to help with the photo-taking and makeup. And last but not least to Ethan, the man behind the cam, who agreed to let me use his high-tech dSLR and his photog skills to snap photos and me telling him where to take things and to endure getting rashes and insect bites. 

I love you guys so much, thank you for everything. You don't know how much this means to me. And although none of us won. I'm really glad we got to spend time chatting and taking photos and I'm really happy you guys got to embrace your inner Fey :)


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