Tuesday 24 July 2012

This week has been really hectic and stressful. A total of 3 up-and-coming projects to get done and to try and ace :( plus all the academics deadlines are on the exact same week as the Art ones! SOTA is really out to kill us... I'm trying really hard not to crack under pressure, but Pre-IB is getting really hard at this point and its getting very difficult to cope... I wonder if I'll even survive IB next year :(

On a sperate note I'm going out for dinner with Emma tomorrow :) It'll be her last day at school and it'll be a month before she leaves for Boston and attends her prep school :( I'm really going to miss her... All the food dates from Mandrin Gallery to Chinatown to the fact that she comes over sometimes just to sleep! HAHA even the semi-awkward hugs because she's about a head taller than me and hates hugs but I still run after her and glomp her anyway! :P But I know it's a good opportunity for her to go to a US Prep School and it'll be good for her, plus she'll benefit a lot from it :) hehe, I don't know if I'll upload anything tomorrow when I get back. Because half the time I forget to take the pictures and only realise after the outing! Haha, I'll try tho! :)

 emz & I!

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