Wednesday 25 July 2012

25th July

Just got back from dinner with emma! :) sadly no pictures of the food because we were both so hungry that we gobbled our food down so quickly! :P We had Ding Tai Fung! :D Xiao long bao and fried rice is so delish! :) We had a really good time chatting and haha i think we caused quite a bit of noise pollution! HAHA! We went for fro-yo afterwards! :)

On the way back we were discussing the pros and cons of being in SOTA and doing the IB. I guess there is some good in making us do Junior College and even University level work at our age. The hardcore training that comes from being independent in your own learning and taking charge of what you're doing. Unlike being spoon-fed like other schools in Singapore. I guess there really is a big difference in terms of what we learn and how we learn. So far I'm still the only one in Church at 16 who uses a mac to study and get assignments done...

Right! I need to get back to work! :) I'll be sure to blog soon when something fun comes up! So far all my events and plans seem to be cut short due to the lack of free time I have :( But I am planning to go this event:

with Ching Yi :) hahaha I might or might not! going to see what my schedule is like then! 


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