Sunday, 9 September 2012

Social Kind

My weekend in pixels~

Poetry in the bathrooms, my kind of wall art

Apple Cider at Dinner~

The flowers used as to decorate the table

Mum's red Rabeanco bag and mine that I bought from Char :)
Conforming to the #wiwt and #ootd tags on Instagram~

Really gorgeous chandelier at TMCC 

What I wore despite the cold winds and thunderstorms, sigh Singapore's unpredictable weather...

My weekend was quite good :) a good end to a rather monotonous holiday. Expect another post on my Saturday soon! Had dinner at the House in Dempsey on Saturday after a good friend's surprise birthday party, such a wonderful place for an intimate one on one get together or a dinner party :) I should go back and visit with my dSLR soon :) the food was amazing, its right next to the forest and there's poetry in the bathroom, need I say more?

Today was quite uneventful as my days have often been, woke up late because I slept late (this vicious cycle must not go on!) and popped over to my math tutor's place for a hardcore math session, couldn't say I learnt much though. I'm more worried about my deteriorating math skills than anything. Plus the fact that my school isn't letting up on project work and assignments that are just taking up too much time. Have quite a headache right now so I'm ignoring all forms of responsibilities I have to my school work and am just chilling with a mug of hot chocolate, a comfy sweater, lit candles and my mac :)

Don't think I can update anytime soon :( End of year exams are coming up and other than blogging some posts here and there, I doubt I can update anytime soon :( Been getting back into a lot of old things lately, old music, old clothes even old styles of art. I might do a blog post on them soon :) Really want to get into exploring art, literature and photography further but no exams and school work must come first :(

All for now! :)
xx Tsui

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